Sunday, January 8, 2012


Overworked, both at home and at the office, I can't help but wish I can be off elsewhere worrying about nonsense, like lack of oxygen, instead of everything else.

Speaking of lack of oxygen, the picture above is from last year's trip to Peru (taken by my friend, Audrey). Machu Picchu was more than tenfold of what I expected, and climbing up Huayna Picchu (that big mass towering over Machu Picchu), I thought, was the most physically challenging experience I've ever had, until we decided to climb down of it via the Gran Caverna. That was the most physically challenging experience I ever had. I wanted to die, and I probably would have had I given up. In any case, I survived, and I swore I will never do it again. But, after recovering from the trip, I wondered when I'll have the chance to do it all again...

This is the first time in a long time that I'm looking at the pictures from that trip. I have to go through all of them, get rid of the crap (there's a lot of them), and post-process the ones that are worth keeping. I'll post when I'm done. It could be months. Or years, perhaps. But I'll get it done. At least before I set off to Peru again.

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